Add the users whose mobile devices you want to manage with Cortado MDM.
- To do so, select Administration→ Users in the Administration Portal (arrow in illus.).
- Then click on the Plus button above left in the display (arrow in illus.).
Here you will chose the source from which the users should be imported:
Adding users from the Active Directory
Import local users from .csv file
Adding users from the Windows Server Active Directory
Note! If you want to add users from Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory), use the corresponding features in group management (see Import groups from Microsoft Entra ID help article).
If you have selected Active Directory as the import source, another window opens, in which you can enter the LDAP path, where the desired users will be found.
- Also enter the email address and password of the administrator account with which you access your AD.
- Then click on Next.

- Now the users to be imported are displayed.
- Then click on Import.
Note! Following import, the users will automatically receive a welcome email that will allow them to log in My Cortado and set a password. Amongst other uses, this password will be required for embedding ADE devices (iOS, iPadOS) or zero-touch devices (Android). In this case, the users will use the password to authenticate themselves. Additionally, the users can configure their own mobile devices in My Cortado.
Enter single local users
If you selected Enter single user, you can now add users individually.
- Enter the email address, the first name and surname
- Select the group that you created in the previous step.
- E-mail language: Select the language in which the e-mails are to be sent to the users.
- Send invitation e-mail to user: Deactivate this checkbox if you don’t want the users to receive a Cortado MDM generated welcome email. You can still send the Cortado MDM welcome email later.
- Optional password: Setting a password for the users is optional and is not necessary if you send the users the welcome email. They can use the welcome email to log themselves in and set their own passwords. If you enter an initial password here, the users can log in directly to My Cortado or set up a ADE or zero-touch device.
- Then click on Create.
Note! The e-mail address used when creating users can no longer be changed, as it is set as the user name for the device login and is therefore binding. If an adjustment is required, for example due to a change of email address or a typing error, the device must be removed, the user deleted and then recreated.
Import local users from .csv file
If you have selected Upload user list as your import source, you can import the local users into the Administration Portal using a .csv file. You will need an appropriately prepared file.
- Download this file (lower arrow in illus.) and complete the data as required.
- Then click on Select CSV File (upper arrow in illus.) and upload the prepared file.
You will then find the imported users in the left column under Users.
Note! Always enter a functioning email address in the .csv file. This email address will automatically receive a welcome email that will allow the user to log in to My Cortado and set a password. This password is required for the integration of ADE devices (iOS, iPadOS) or zero-touch devices (Android). Here the user has to authenticate himself with this password. Additionally, the users can configure their own mobile devices in My Cortado .